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New Tray Icon


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What is up with the new tray icon? What does it mean? Looks pretty dumb IMHO. What were you people thinking?

As an IT consultant, I've put a lot of friends and clients into Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro. When suppport was needed, which was very rare, I could always direct folks to the very easily recognizable tray icon. Now what do I do?

I can understand you guys wanting an updated icon, as the old one did appear a bit dated. I would have preferred you sticking with some recognizable M with the color changing between red and green as the situation warranted.

In any case, it's still the best of breed in it's class, so please keep up the good work!


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I like them both. I kinda liked the original more, but maybe that's coz I absolutely love red and black together :P

But I really like the new icon too, and I agree, consistency is good!

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