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I just got a copy of MalwareBytes Pro and it seems to be working fine, but the system it's installed on is dual-booting Win7/32 and Win7/64. I've read the license agreement and it says I can use the program on 1 PC, which I'm doing, but there seems to be nothing about whether the dual-boot is still "1 PC" (it is physically) or if I need a second license for the 64-bt side. Is it acceptable to install it on both OS's so long as they're on the same PC or does that violate the license agreement?


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Hi orubio,

EDIT: Let's try that again. ;)

>> No worries, you may continue to install on both operating systems on your dual boot system. <<

Great! And thank you very much for the quick reply. I thought it was probably alright, my A/V allows it, but I thought I should check before I invalidated something.

>> Let me know if you have any questions. <<

I will do that. Thank you. None so far, I've used the free version off and on over the years. I set it up last night and it seems to be working fine on both sides.

A Happy Holidays to you too, and thank you again for the reply!

- ND

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