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Spam is annoying


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Spam for my e-mail acoount is skyrocketing. Have any of you benn getting 40 junk e-mails a day or more? What should I do? I tried blocking them but they just keep on sending them like there is no tomorrow!

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You can't block them...they all use random addresses.

I had the same problem a while back, here's what I did (you'll probably get advice not to do this).

But every e-mail would have an unsubscribe link in them.

I just replied to everyone of those with my e-mail address that they used and in a week or so...they all stopped.

It's up to you if you want to try that...it worked for me though.


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I used to get a lot of spam in my Hotmail, but not so much anymore, not sure why.

I have my filter set to anyone NOT in my contacts list go to the Spam folder and I check it quickly to see if there is anything that I want or that shouldn't be there, then delete the rest.

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