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desktop disappeared.


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Recently i updated some software on my computer and after the update had finished i noticed that the taskbar and all of my desktop icons simply vanished leaving me with just a wallpaper to look at.

Unfortunately i was unable to shutdown my computer by the usual means and i had to force a shutdown using the power button which i am extremely uncomftable in doing.

Is there any hotkey combinations i should be aware of which can make my taskbar etc re-appear should this event occur again.?

Many thanks. :mellow:

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Assuming you aren't infected (some infections will hide desktop shortcuts and program files/folders), it sounds as if explorer.exe crashed?

You could try to kill it and restart it, as follows:

Ctrl+Alt+DEL -> Task manager -> Process tab -> select Explorer.exe, right click -> End process.

Then, FILE -> New task -> type "explorer" (no quotes) -> click OK.



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