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New RogueRemover mirror

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  • Root Admin

SecurityWonks.org has been so generous as to provide a mirror with direct FTP access for me. This allows me to put them as the #1 mirror and update the files on the server as soon as they are released. This decreases the delay and sends the utilities out much quicker.

Thanks again SecurityWonks!

Any suggestions on how the mirror site looks? Post here and I will make sure they get passed down to the admin of Security Wonks.

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we love supporting you, it's all cooperation between likeminded people who have fun and who love supporting users cleaning malware from their loved work/fun accesories i.e. computers,

regarding the design and site functionality, even though I cannot guarantee the date, I can promise that we will implement a much better inhouse developed download program website in http://projects.securitywonks.net/projects/ which will make life more easier for our webmasters, for you developers, and last but not least our users who will have options in better way for downloading at will, from the nearest mirror quickly and effectively.

we are planning to automate mirroring and all effectively in this new development, so more sooner,

we love to hear any/all inputs which will be added to our TODO list (if possible we will add inputs in this version, if not, then we will take for next versions), so more fun soon,

Thanks for adding as #1 mirror, we will provide things better way possible,



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