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I've run serveral scans using MalwareBytes. I keep finding threats that won't remove. They have a "green bug" along side the name. These threats are not found when using AVG or HouseCalls. Both of those programs tell me that all is OK.

There are no files found, just folders.

What displays in MalwareBytes are 22 folders called


Every time I choose to have MalwareBytes remove these folders, MalwareBytes stops responding and I have to use Task Manager to close the program after about 15 minutes.

They are in Users\User\ApplicationData and

the Users\User\AppData\Local folders

There were files with the same name, but they were removed on the first scan I did. These folders were not removed at that time.

I have a few questions

1 - Is this a threat, even though other anti-virus programs don't find it?

2 - Are there different colour icons (bugs) used to denote threat level? (These icons are green.)

3 - How serious is it?

4 - Are the folders that remain still a threat even though no files show up as a threat?

5 - Should files within such folders show up if they are there? Or were they successfully removed when I ran the first scan?

5 - Why does MalwareBytes keep hanging and not responding when I attempt to remove even one of these folders.

Thank You

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