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Maleware/Virus Help


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Hello and thanks for the help in advance. Here's the deal:

On the internet when a Win 7 Security 2012 message popped up. I have dealt with these before, so I clicked off of it to run my anti spyware/virus software. I guess during a recent HDD reformat I forgot to reinstall Avast, so it wasn't running in the background. I also started getting search engine redirects at this point.

Anywho, I followed the removal instructions from Bleepingcomputer . The first time I ran Malwarebytes I did a full scan. I was away from the computer for about 5 min and when I came back it wasn't running and I had a message saying Windows had recovered from an unexpected shutdown. So, I ran Malware again doing a quick scan this time and it found 8 infections. That log is attached.

After I ran Malware again the Win 7 Security popups ceased, but the redirects seemed worse and PING.exe was taking up most of my memory/CPU. Shortly there after my computer blue screened and would not reboot. So i entered safe mode and the computer would boot...PING.exe still running and still getting redirects. So I ran DDS and attached the logs. Would appreciate any help you could provide.

Hey...deleted peer to peer program from system. New scans attached. This set was done in normal operating mode, not safe mode like the first scans. Nothing else has changed. Still getting redirects...PING.exe still chewing up CPU. Thanks.

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Would you advise if you have resolved your issues or if you have sought help elsewhere?

If not resolved and you are not already seeking help elsewhere, I'd like for you to rerun a new (fresh) DDS and Copy & Paste the DDS.txt into a new reply.

Anyone other than original-poster who has similar issues, do not reply here. Start your own topic.

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Due to the lack of feedback this topic is closed to prevent others from posting here. If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this thread with your request. This applies only to the originator of this thread.

Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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