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Vundo trojan


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I am eventually fully operational after a safe mode load, renaming, rkill and spyware blaster all seems to be working well apart from my antivirus, Microsoft Essentials, picking up 'Trojan:Win32/Vundo.gen!AU' which Malwarebytes doesn't seem to see. I have viewed another post where Combofix is recommended and have downloaded this onto my desktop but not taken it further. The DDS logs and a screen shot of ME history has been attached. What next,? Thank you, Rob

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Please advise if you still have the same issues or if you have otherwise resolved them.

If not resolved, and you desire guided help here, do rerun the DDS program and post back copy of contents of DDS.txt file.

If we do not hear back from you in 4 days, this thread will be closed.

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