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Oh dear we have had a major communication melt down. The board style is the same as Hoax~Slayer or Invision but the site name is Montana Menagerie and I want it in purple, no swords please. I will point out your great work to the site oner of Hoax~Slayer and he might want to change who knows?

LMAO!! Yeah, I screwed up...Too much hecticness at my house right now, loll. At least that's my excuse :) Ok, will do some changes immediately :) Oh well, here's the latest anyway...



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Great! I just wonder will they be long enough to go across the full page? When I open they don't go across my whole screen.

Hi JM,

I am making them 1024 wide but re-scaled the last one to cut down on file size which is why it's probably not working. The first one should work that I posted. Here is just the words on a background, very basic but can give you something to work off.

Rrrg, I can't get it to upload, it keeps saying it's too large but it's only 190k. :)

That's why I shrunk the other image....hmmmm...

Ok, my max file size is only saying 17.69k , is the 500k a complete limit over all the forum then?

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Hi JM,

I am making them 1024 wide but re-scaled the last one to cut down on file size which is why it's probably not working. The first one should work that I posted. Here is just the words on a background, very basic but can give you something to work off.

EDIT YET AGAIN.... Here is the new one...let me know if anything rings a bell or if you have any other ideas.....



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Hi comicfan2000,

Brilliant idea. I could use need a banner or a button on my own sites (pdd-nos.nl, pdd-nos.be and pdd-nos.com) that will link to the RogueRemover Pro page.

And that would become a banner everyone should be able to download and use on their own site.


Hi Fred, sorry took so long....how large do you want the buttons or banners? Any specific color? Picture?



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The buttons we need should look a bit like the RogueRemover certification card as is shown on the startpage of this site. The colors would be purple and yellow. And, if possible, the pics should be scalable. When also need is a set of banners and a button.

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  • 3 months later...
The buttons we need should look a bit like the RogueRemover certification card as is shown on the startpage of this site. The colors would be purple and yellow. And, if possible, the pics should be scalable. When also need is a set of banners and a button.

Hi Fred,

I have to publicly apologize for not following through on some work I said I would do, it's been a while but i've been battling carpal tunnel and tendinitis so it's been a rough road. I am now getting into making some stuff again for a couple of competitions but will have to take a couple days break from it yet again as my arm is beginning to flair up. *sigh* so, if at all anything is needed, please let me know, i'll do my best, it simply may take a while.

Take care


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