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Posts posted by Popeye

  1. Yes folks; every cup of coffee people drank from one of those machines was "roach-flavored"..

    I wish I would have known about this sooner. :) After spending over 20 years in the military and also a retired truck driver, I drank a lot of coffee. Thanks ShyWriter for making my day. :) Maybe thats why a lot of truck drivers act crazy, been drinking to much of that flavored coffee. :)

  2. :D B) Good one AdvancedSetup.

    I got this from a friend yesterday:


    This has got to be one of the greatest ideas I've heard......... and I'm sure that someone could figure out how to do it!

    Here's a simple solution to the controversy over full-body scanners at airports .

    Develop an enclosed booth that passengers step into but , instead of X-raying them, when the door closes, it will detonate any explosive device they have hidden on or in their body.

    The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth. This would be a win-win for everyone!

    There would be no more concern about racial profiling.

    The booth would eliminate long, expensive trials.

    You're in the airport and you hear a muffled explosion, followed by an announcement

    over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available on flight


    What's not to like?

    Brilliant !

  3. Thanks for the compliments B). You can also exclude the folder in Program Files where your antivirus is installed (ie C:\Program Files\Norton etc etc) as I've found it often improves system performance if you're using the PRO version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

    Thanks for this information. I have excluded all my Norton Program Files and it sure does improve the system performance. Thanks again. :D

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