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  1. The Exploit Protection is off and won't start, I have turned it on manually, I have clicked the warning telling me it should be on. In both cases it doesn't start, remains off. I have exited and restarted, I have rebooted the machine. So, what now??
  2. I'm getting a lot of "Website blocked" on Outbound Connections on a couple machines at my location and others do not have this behaviour. Malwarebytes 3.0 scan reports my system as clean, and it up-to-date. I have it running on several systems along with Norton Security Suite, and Norton doesn't find anything either even with a Power Eraser scan. I have done a whois lookup on the IPs and domains (it is a mix of addresses and actual domain names), and they seem fairly random but are in various like India, Russia, China. The ports are always very high, usually 59000+ range. This has occurred even when the system is idle, and they are certainly not things I'm going to. There are also some inbound that are getting blocked too, also on high port numbers, and from sites in Russia. I have done a net view scans to monitor connections and the applications and see lots of open ports, but now that is giving me "System error 6118 has occurred" or "System error 53 has occurred". So these are new errors so the situation is getting worse So my questions... What is happening? Why doesn't Norton catch these? (or could they be something else?) How is the scan coming back clean if this is happening? What can I do about it? (these are critical systems, this needs to be resolved quickly) Help. Thanks.
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