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Everything posted by Massimiliano

  1. unfortunately due to this it is inadvisable to use Firefox on iOS. And so in the end it also precludes the use on the Mac for failure to synchronize even if the desktop has privacy and anti-tracking settings much better than those of Safari
  2. in fact, the automatic update does not take place in LTE since it requires you to click on the update button
  3. Having established that all browsers on iOS must use the Safari engine, is it possible to ensure that the web protection and ad-blocking functions of Malwarebytes for iOS also work for example for Firefox, since it is not possible to install your specific extension for this purpose browser? I thank anyone who will give me an answer.
  4. Dalla schermata che hai allegato mi sembra di capire che la tua domanda vada fatta nel forum di rimozione malware windows
  5. The scheduled scan remains set by default every hour. The only thing you can do is change the time and leave the default setting. So I never had problems. If you do not have a premium or trial license (it’s valid for 30 day) you do not have real time protection and the scheduled scan is monthly and that's why it tells you not fully protected.
  6. I do not know how much you can serve but you could try this. Turn off the premium license. Remove Malwarebytes with the in-app uninstaller. Restart the Mac. Reinstall Malwarebytes. Activate the Premium license. So you should solve.
  7. As the title I wanted to ask if there is still a VPN function in Malwarebytes for iOS 1.1.1 (2.8) beta version because for some time there is nothing more about it in the settings of my iPhone SE with iOS 12.01.
  8. I upgraded to version 1.1.1 (2.8) beta immediately after release on TestFlight. I wanted a clarification. Now I know that a connection to Wi-Fi is necessary, at least every day. The problem is not for me that I have a Wi-Fi network, but at least in Italy many have exclusively the smartphone and do not have a fixed line either at home or at work if it is small businesses or retail stores. The update in LTE would therefore be desirable. Let me know what you decide on. A greeting
  9. There is a problem with updating the definitions on Malwarebytes for iOS. Although both Malwarebytes and TestFlight have enabled the LTE data connection in the iOS settings, unfortunately the definitions are updated only manually in LTE; therefore, remember to open the app and click on the update function. Automatic update works correctly only if you enable WI-FI. I do not know if it is possible to solve this problem, which in the absence of a home internet network, causes a protection that is not always updated. Thanks and regard Massimiliano
  10. You can read my answer to your private message. Regard Massimiliano
  11. I have received the beta 1.1.1 right now. Thanks. Thank you very much for your always useful support on both iOS and MacOS. A greeting. Massimiliano
  12. Ok! Then I keep the features active and if I had to receive scam / phishing calls / sms I will report them on the Malwarebytes iOS forum. At the moment I'm receiving emails like this. It would not hurt a filter for emails.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong: at the moment in Italy just keep active web protection and adblocker, right? Can Call Protection and SMS Protection be deactivated in my country? Thank you A greeting Massimiliano
  14. Malwarebytes for iOS beta 1.1.0 (5.8) ends in a month. Since it is not yet present in Italy on the AppStore for the reasons already mentioned in other posts, how should we behave with regard to starting from 25 October 2018? Is there a release in Italy or will a new beta come out giving a further 90 days trial? Thank you
  15. Containers and caches must be eliminated (office at least has these components, I do not know if the other apps have them)? If so, in which folders are they located?
  16. It would not be bad if the procedure that you described to me, making it as complete as possible, would bring it back to an your article on the Malwarebytes blog. Thanks again Regard Massimiliano
  17. Thanks so much. I will proceed in this way from now on. If there is still something you can add it is always welcome. I add: is there a correct procedure to uninstall Ms Office 2016 (only if there is something more than what you have already written). Thank you again.
  18. My monitor is set to 1366x768. However, the previous installer displayed the window correctly.Another mistake, you can see it in the next image, is in translation.In fact it should display "scansione completata" (corrected in italian) and not "Scansione completate" (not corrected in italian). I had already reported it here
  19. There is a problem displaying the initial Malwarebytes setup window. It appears in fact incomplete as per the attached screenshot.
  20. and launch agents, daemons and kernel extensions where they are located, as well as in Application Support, to use the manual method you indicated to me? In which other folders do I have to watch? Thank you
  21. It show me (today for the first time) App Cleaner & Uninstaller by Nektony (I know you do not like this type of app) among the post-removal residual files (I do not know what, because I did not remove any software). Unfortunately, sometimes I’m forced to use apps that do not have an uninstaller and that moving only the app in the trash leave a lot of crap on the disk and I do not know another method to clean that. If you have a better solution for this, I’m ready to listen to.
  22. Good Evening from Italy I noticed this on my mac: com.megabackup with the hidden .autobackup file located in /private /var /run and surfing the web would seem to be malware. Can anyone tell me what it is, if it is dangerous and if it is better to delete it or if it is defined malware only by software fraudsters who pretend to antimalware? When I found it the first time, given what they said on the web, I did a clean install of the mac but the file continues to be there. It is detected by software as a useless remnant, but before today it had never happened to me using the same software.I attach the zipped file If you need to use Get System Profile or Get Malwarebytes Info, let me know and tell me how to send you the reports created by the two software. Thank you Greetings Massimiliano .autoBackup.zip
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