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Posts posted by Decrypterfixer

  1. Thanks for the feedback. We are aware of this defect and are currently working on it. Could you please uninstall MBARW and remove the folder in %Programdata%/Malwarebytes/Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware, and see if this fixes the issue for now?

  2. Hello,

    My apologize for the delay in response, sometimes these posts get buried and it becomes difficult to answer.

    This is a known defect and we are aware of it and working on fixing it. Please know that this will be fixed before the rolling of the functions of arw into mbam for sure, and most likely sooner.

    We will keep users updated, but you can also find the things we address each release in the main stickied thread in this beta forum.


  3. MBARW has blocked Locky from day one of its release. I have also even tested with the dropper from OP and a coworker of mine also did.

    The only concern is that right now it does get 2-3 files before it stopped, but this is expected with some ransomware in this beta, and we already have a plan of action for these cases.

    Another thing that may confuse people and make them think they still got infected is that the ransomware note is left on the machine or opened. This is nothing, and ur files are still protected and safe, we simply have not added a clean up for those ransom files yet, but will in the future.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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