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Posts posted by Decrypterfixer

  1. Excellent news bitsum! We are glad you were able to pin point the causing issue between our products, and will look forward to relying in the future that Process Laso is compatible with Malwarebytes Products. Of course it would be greatly appreciated if any Process Laso users here report any new problems that may arrise in the future so we may look into them the same way.


    Should you need any more assistance BitSum or information, please don't hesitate to reach out again!

  2. GeekFreak,

    I have went through all your logs and have determined the cause of your issue.

    The good news is, nothing is actually wrong with your system, and nothing was actually removed!

    What happened was that both of the applications that triggered a event with MBARW were actually updater applications, that there normal routine is to simply run in the background, quickly update files, and then remove itself.

    So what happened is MBARW detected activity that seemed like ransomware, and then before MBARW could preform additional checks and Whitelisting, the updater application removed itself (like it is suppose to, as it is only a temporary updater application). This caused MBARW to simply take the detection before into account, and attempted to kill it and quarantine it, and notify the user. 

    So actually in the end, nothing was killed or removed by MBARW and everything is functioning as it should. 


    Thank you very much for using our BETA and also reporting this issue to our thread, because now we will be able to create a fix for this and detect when a application removes itself in the way your apps did :). Users like yourself is what is making MBARW even greater! 

  3. I apologize for the time it took to reply to this topic. I have been following it since the beginning and simply did not want to reply with information until more research and collaborating with our development dept. for mbarw was done.

    First I would like to address that MBARW does Not initiate "Hooks all over the systems processes".  There has been other security applications that Process Laso seems to have had conflicts with in the past (based on research) that performs these operations, but this should not be relevant here as the same unsupported methods do not happen within MBARW.

    After reviewing the logs on this thread and communicating with development, we will be looking into the conflict discussed here. The good news is that MBARW and Process Lasso look to be compatible and run smooth in nearly all tested cases. When the 2 applications are installed on Virtual Machines and regular machines of Windows 7 and higher (x86 and x64) with modern hardware, the situation discussed in this thread does not trigger. We do start to see signs of the discussed events when we start using (or allocating) older hardware in CPUs and RAM. For example, on a Virtual Machine with only a single virtualized core of 2.40ghz, the 2 applications run fine with MBARW monitoring and CPU sitting at 3% minimum and maximum 20% spikes at large File IO operations. 


    With the reporting user having a Toshiba Laptop with a 2.2 GHz Celeron 900 CPU (from 2009) and 2 gigs of ram, this seem to be more on the side of lack of resources than an actual defect with either application. The PC is running at the very low minimum requirements for Windows 10 also. These tests also did not (and could not) get tested with the basic applications, settings, and environment any user could also be running on their machine at this time also.


    But even with the analysis above, we will still be making contact with Process Laso's creator to dive into some more technical research to see what can be done in this current situation to make the user experience more pleasurable for both the user and other softwares in general.

    In the end user satisfaction is our too priority. I want to thank Homer712 for bringing this to our attention and helping us with our beta! We also appreciate the response of Process Lassos creator for support.

    All users here have helped MBARWs BETA tremendously, and for that we thank you! :)

  4. Hello Davicius,

    We are looking into this issue and will be adding the EXE to whitelist and trying to make sure this doesn't happen again.

    Please go into the windows store and try to redownload/repair the application by searching for it.

    If this doesn't work, you can also use the Windows 10 App Trouble Shooter to help:



    Once working correctly, please attempt to add it to your exclusions just in case.

  5. Yaeo,


    Sadly we cannot add a "decrypting" function for after getting attacked by Ransomware, because there are so many types and different encryptions. Also most cannot be decrypted anyways, as they use secure encryption methods. But, it may be possible in the future that we can release stand alone decrypters for some Ransomware if possible.


    The good news if, if you are running MBARW, you should never get encrypted anyways :)

  6. memeweaver,

    MBARW actually doesn't delete anything on reboot, it simply moves it to the quarantine folder. So after reboot please restore the file, zip the file up, and add it to the exclusions for now so you may work as normal. 

    Then, if you would be so kind as to follow 1PW's instructions above and upload the logs along with the exe file.


    thanks :)

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