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Posts posted by jammin67

  1. I will back up the data (about 12.5G of pics mostly) to a USB. 

    As for replacing the hard drive, it is not my computer and I highly doubt the family of my friend would consider replacing the hard drive.  They don't seem tech literate (neither am I, but do okay for a lay person) and I know they would question the need for any expense. 

    The laptop actually runs pretty fast for being so old, but seems to have a bit of slowness with Chrome.  When I received the laptop, it didn't have Chrome on it...just Microsoft.

    Okay, I'll back up the data. 


  2. Hi,

    I'm setting up a computer for an elderly friend in a nursing home.  The friend's family donated this older computer.  The person who had been using it has passed away, but I do not want to mess with the user's info or files...in case the family will be using her computer again in future.

    So, I have created myself as a new user and administrator and signed in via my Microsoft user name and password.  After any cleanup, I will add my friend as a user (he already has a Microsoft user name and password).

    I will attach results of the Malwarebytes scan and FRST scan, both done last evening.  The Malwarebytes scan did find one item, which I then quarantined.

    Microsoft updates have several (older) items listed as downloaded, even though I attempted to download and install updates a couple of days ago.

    Microsoft also has error message from time to time stating One Drive is not signed in.  One drive will be signed in once I've added an account/user for my friend who will be using this computer.  Is there a way to disable the "not signed in" error?

    On startup, there is an error each time and states computer is collecting information and then automatically restarts.  The error is something like "store exception".

    Also, previous owner played a lot of games.  New user will not be playing any of these games. 

    Installed Chrome browser, but it seems to be slow?

    Looking to clean up this computer and get it to run as "fast" as it can.

    Appreciate your assistance!!!!


    Addition 230204.txt FRST 230204.txt Malwarebytes scan 230204.txt

  3. Hello,

    I have received help here before on about five different computers.  Today, I have my Mom's (she is elderly) laptop.  EVERYTHING is slow. It takes several minutes when turning on the laptop before it's ready to use.  Internet pages load very slowly.  Task manager takes quite a while to load.  Couldn't get the screenshot (snip) app to open at all.  Computer used minimal.  Mom has had problems with her HP printer working when it wants to work for a couple of months maybe.  She basically uses for Outlook email, Facebook, general search/surfing, Solitaire, Word and Excel docs, Acrobat pdf viewer, view/file pictures.

    I didn't attempt to fix anything...wanted to make sure I didn't cause even more issues than the laptop currently has.

    Attached are Malwarebytes report, AdwCleaner report, FRST and Addition reports.

    Appreciate your assistance to get Mom's computer running again.

    Thank you, Julie

    Addition 230114.txt FRST 230114.txt AdwCleaner[S06] 230114.txt Malwarebytes 230114b.txt

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hello, 

    I'm on my parent's laptop and today they had a flashing notice "Windows Defender Security Warning", complete with a phone number to call for help.  I opened task manager and ended Google Chrome processes.  Then, followed by running Malwarebytes (no issues), Adware (no issues) and Farbar (reports attached).

    Requesting help in cleaning up their computer.  Note: I'm deleting their Chrome history, but found this on today's history: Security Center Code0x268d3 Er07Services

    Thanks in advance for your help.  Note: I will try to follow directions in a timely manner, however I do not live at my parents...so might be a little delay.

    Addition 220427.txt FRST 220427.txt

  5. AdvancedSetup-  Is there a way to ensure private/business/banking data is removed from old laptop, without wiping the hard drive?  Reason I'm asking, is because the old laptop can be used for email/facebook/other minimal browsing by a friend.  The laptop came with Windows 7, then I upgraded to Windows 10. Not sure if there would be problems installing Windows 10 from factory settings?

    Thank you, Julie

  6. AdvancedSetup-

    Thank you for giving some info about the various companies.  I've always wanted to try a Dell. 

    So, I was just doing a quick search.  I know this one has the integrated graphics.  I do not do much with videos, just store and watch home videos or on internet.  What do you think of this laptop?  And do you have opinion on whether I'd have problems w/ integrated graphics or not likely?


    okay, going to bed now.  I'll check your answer tomorrow.  Thank you!

  7. AdvancedSetup-  When you say I could get this unit going, I still will have to get a different computer eventually...because of Windows 11, right?  Yes, I will replace with another laptop.  If it is time to start looking, I would appreciate any guidance you have that might help me purchase wisely.  And, I do do more than the pictures/videos...I'm very active on the computer.  Whether it be internet, or my own productivity (Word, Excel).  In my opinion, I guess I'd be looking at basic to mid-level.  I had a bad experience with the integrated graphics in a previous laptop...so I'd like to shy away from that. :)


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