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Posts posted by lurch234

  1. Thank you @exile360  for your reply. It is appreciated because I can denote the underlying empathy.


    if you have a lifetime license and don't want it to completely go to waste you can simply disable protection from running at startup and just use the scanner and scheduler as an automatic second opinion scanner

    I do have a lifetime license. But I don't consider getting rid of a recurring problem a waste. And I already have three other on demand scanners. What I was interested in is having another real time detection! I also have a fast machine. Old and new components, but fast. An SSD will do wonders on Boot time and I also have a GTX 1060 6GB ^_^

  2. Quote

    reviewing all your previous posts, you have never submitted logs for review

    Then you must have missed the post where I said I had no intention of doing  their job. Which means, as if it wasn't already obvious, that I won't waste my time with logs or system specs.

    All was fine before they decided to bring out a v3. v2 was a fine piece of software.


    and of course your welcome to do what you want with your computer.. 

    Quite right. And I keep my machine in top shape. So when something bugs out I can generally pinpoint it quickly. Which is, again,  pretty obvious when your PC bugs out just after an update.

    And to be honest this app was just sitting there eating resources for nothing. I not only practice safe web browsing but I am certainly not of the idiotic types that have to click on everything and get hacked, phished or enslaved in a botnet. And the only time I was hit by a drive by trojan it was my Eset product that saved my bacon. Not MB.

    So thank you Mr @Firefox  for the reply but as stated above if you would've noticed my opinion about helping the Staff with their betas I wouldn't have to respond to this post of yours.

    Because I wasn't looking for an argument. I Just wanted to express my feelings to these people.

    Btw, I use to hang around a few semi tech forums and many stopped using v3 altogether. But just like MS you won't be listening. The big difference is that I can live without MB.


  3. I dont let anything update automatically on my PC. So yesterday I checked MB to see if there was any updates, and it did. But once installed the update prevented the gui to appear.

    So I uninstalled it and installed a freshly downloaded version from MB site. Everything seemed to be okay until I started my PC this morning. The old CPU hogging bug came back

    and the gui still wouldnt appear!!

    So after years of irritation over your unfinished  v3 "BETA" product I am uninstalling it for good. I am sick and tired of being forced into beta testing. I dont have W10 for the exact same reason!

    Seriously though, I never had problems like that than now with your v3 crap!

    If your new pricing wont make you lose customers, your "constantly" bugged crap should do the trick.

    BTW, I've been through the other bugs without saying anything. So if anyone finds this post a bit harsh, well, too bad!!

  4. Quote

    I personally won't turn on one of my computers without MB.  But the choice is yours.

    You seem to be implying that MB is the only worthwhile protection that is to be found. But that is your choice. I have been using Eset Smart Security longer than MB and it's ESS that protected from a drive-by even though I had MB installed some years ago before MB version 2 came out. In all fairness MB probably got better but I still wouldn't trade it for ESS.


    I do understand your frustration even I don't personally experience any issues except for today's. 

    Unfortunately for me I experienced many of the reported problems with this new version. Hence the frustration.

  5. Quote

    Now found Web Protection and Malware Protection both off.
    Turned on Malware Protection ok
    Turned on Web Protection: "Starting..." but nothing more

    I started my PC this morning with the same problem. And just when I started to believe that you had finally hammered out those problems with your latest non Beta release.I re installed v.3 only eight days ago. Another waste of time. Back to v.2 then. And probably for good. Even if you stop supporting it. There actually was a time when I believed that using only my security suite was enough. And it probably is.

  6. Whoever thought up the idea that the program has to be automatically updated before running a scan should be removed from the project or have his/her head removed from his/her shoulders!

    Whichever is quicker.

    This isn't the first time we had problems updating because you were rolling out a new program update. The difference this time is that I'm left with an inoperable program (v2.16)

    As I have already stated once before don't ask me to update to your newer version to "try" and solve "your" problems. And,once again, dont ask me to do any troubleshooting because I don't want and won't do your job for you!

    You are the ones who messed up once again.I will not upgrade so I can lose my lifetime license! And from what I have read it won't solve the problem either.

    This program was perfectly fine two days ago. So dont give me any bull about systems being unique when the whole of canada are experiencing the same problem.Now its just sitting on my desktop like an old car rusting in a backyard

    Maybe a refund is the way to go. It could make you more careful in the future when you upgrade to a newer version when people get so fed up they just want to be reimbursed to get some peace of mind.

    In all my years with Eset (7 years), I never encountered problems like database updating when I upgraded their program.


  7. I really dont know whats happening with you guys but I just cant figure out why I would start having problems with a piece of software that has


    been working reliably since I first installed it on my new computer in 2011. Everything was fine actually before you started pushing your new v2 update.


    Now, like so many others, there is no connection to the server. My problems started a while ago when I had to close the update window and start it again to have a database update.


    I have no infections and I havent done anything to my computer except change my graphics card.


    Dont ask me for logs or to go thru troubleshooting sessions! I dont work for you so I dont have to solve your problems! Like I said, everything was fine before you started pushing your latest version.


    BTW, dont ask me to update to the newest version because not only do I despise it, it wont solve the problem. I did read a bit before posting.


    And on a final note, if you feel there is some irritation in this post, you are right. IMHO you have simply broken a once reliable application...



  8. I applaud you for not moving to toolbars, advertisements, etc bundled with your product and/or showing while using your product.


    Excuse me!?! For your information this is an advertisement:  lclfVEI.jpg


    Bravo for releasing a Final with that despicable banner ad. Nice job. Kudos!


    Time to uninstall once again that piece of advertisement and bring back 1.75. Except that this time I'm not hoping for a fix and to be quite honest an option to remove it is simply not enough!


    I should have known and not have bothered with it again...




  9. Well, to be honest, it is only commercial advertisements of their own products.


    Well, to be honest, its still advertisement anyway you would want to look at it! 


    And for the record, I have uninstalled it because I will certainly not abide a paid app thats serves me ads! None of my paid apps are doing that and I'm not starting now!


    I bought my license three years ago and was quite content until now. I'm sticking with 1.75 and you can keep your ads!

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