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Posts posted by JeanInMontana

  1. You didn't update Adobe.

    O2 - BHO: WormRadar.com IESiteBlocker.NavFilter - {3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0} - C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgssie.dll (file missing) <===== that should be removed. If you are using both AVG and McAfee Anti virus for real time protection you need to shut one down.

    When you run HJT put a check next to the lines and then click fix.

  2. Yeah you should be worried.. and be worried about this too C:\Program Files\LimeWire\LimeWire.exe get rid of it. Your going to continue to reinfect yourself doing P2P. Have you installed other new stuff?

    Look for this file please C:\WINDOWS\orclobi\suspatch.exe copy it to a folder and zip it then go here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=55 and attach it please.

    We need this file, if you have any info on it please supply it. We will get an update to MBAM ASAP and clean you again.

  3. Seriously, there is no need to puff your chest out and imply that you have more experience. Marcin will be the first to tell you there is/was a problem with the protection module on certain systems. I've experienced the issue first hand on numerous systems.


    Seriously there is no need for your attitude at all. I'm not implying anything. It's a fact, I do know what's going on with the program and on the forums. I don't puff my chest ever! You have gone for me on several threads now and I'm over it. You don't need to try and undermine every post I make.

    There have been some problems with cpu useage and that was quite some time ago. There is still a problem with the protection module, I have experience with it first hand.

    But, that is not the issue here. It's about the protection on 64 bit machines and its NOT supported. Marcin is the one to deal with this too.

  4. Anything that's in there from SBS&D should be in there, or if your using a file like hpHosts and any of the others MVPHosts . The purpose of the Hosts file is to avoid bad sites. If SBS&D is adding them leave them. And a redirect is quite obvious. You don't go to the site you intended to go to.

  5. My dilemma is that this is my first year as a tech on this school, that went the entire time with absolutely no malware protection at all for several years, and by the time I get a call to help them it is to the point where they have at least 150+ infections, and alot of the downloaders that just go crazy on the PC. This combined with the user's lack of knowledge of how malware spreads itself put the machines at even a greater risk for infection. If could devote my entire time with just cleaning the network that would be great, unfortunately I've other duties :angry:

    I'll probably just wind up getting MBAM corporate version, or whatever is needed to cover the number of seats that I have and just tackle the problem on a case by case basis until the summer when I have the time to layout a game plan to get the network back into shape and locked down where users can't do that much damage. I think remote desktop connection, pc anywhere, etc., will help me out with cleaning once I get it installed on the workstations.

    Greg would reformatting them be an option? Then you start fresh with no infections. I feel your pain, schools are one of the worst for not being secured. Ask Julie Amero.

  6. C:\Program Files\Be Secure 2007\Symantec Client Firewall\ISSVC.exe <========= bingo. I would get rid of all that Symantec crap. Avira is a good antivirus and runs well with MBAM. But I need you to follow the instructions. I thought you were clean... your getting reinfected we need to find why.

    Turn off TeaTimer

    Remove the lines I said and update MBAM, scan post the log and a new HJT.

  7. I agree.

    Do Marcin/nosirrah also feel that techs/consultants/businesses that service customers computers (not the businesses personal systems on the private lan) in their office and/or on-site should purchase a "tech license". If the customers machine is used at home, in a non-business environment, then the free version of MBAM and another other "free for home use" software should abide by the EULA.

    That's not what is going on here. The 200 machines are not at home.

    I fail to see what is so difficult to understand, the concept is very simple.

    He is a type of network administrator/technician who is running scans on approximately 200+ computers.

    Having to manually go from one computer to the next to start the scan

    Upon completion you have to manually go through and click to remove anything, if found, and then close the application.

    This is extremely time consuming for network technicians

    The concept is he wants auto clean, yet says he would rather approve every pop up window asking if it should clean. They aren't the same thing. I know what's going on and I know it would take time. That wasn't what he said.

  8. Since this issue is resolved I will close the thread to prevent others from posting into it. If you need assistance please start your own topic and someone will be happy to assist you.

    The fixes and advice in this thread are for this machine only. Do not apply to your machine. Please start a thread of your own and someone will be happy to help you.

  9. No your not a failure. You have something "speshal". I've got the lead Developer working with me. We need a log from this please.

    OK let's go for another special scan tool.

    Download GMER get the zip file and save to your desktop.

    Just run gmer.exe. All required files ( gmer.dll and gmer.sys ) will by copied to the system during the first lanuch. .

    Do not click scan.Use the copy button to copy to your clipboard. Post the log in your next reply.

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