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Windows networking error

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Hi, I hope that you can help me.

I have a Win 7 company laptop that a couple of months ago was having trouble updating its antivirus and therefore our VPN would no longer allow me to connect. My internal tech support contact told me to install and run Malwarebytes to solve the issue. Fortunately it did, I was able to get my AV updated and reconnect to the VPN, however to do that I had to get to the office (I almost always work remotely) and connect directly to the network. When doing that we noticed that I could no longer access any of the servers on our network even though he could see my machine. Normally I would use the run command (\\servername\share) or take a link saved in IE but even the standard network locations saved in My Computer are unavailable, even though I can ping the server succesfully Networking issue.doc. I normally don't need much access to the network but this has become more and more of a problem to me and my tech support have run out of ideas and are suggesting a re-image of my machine and I can't afford the 2 days of my time that it will take to get it back to full working order (many, many software installs required!) so I was wondering you had any ideas. The Malwarebytes run deleted a couple of registry settings (one relating to IE - mbam-log-2011-08-12 (14-31-10).txt) and values and its the only thing I can think of that might have been the cause. Windows diagnostics can't find anything, I have tried to remove and replace IE8 via Add/Remove Windows Components but that did not help.

My fingers are crossed.


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Hello and welcome to MBAM, M3Consultant:

As your statement seems to indicate that this is a business, please contact corporate support and they will assist you with this.

Please send an email to corporate-support@malwarebytes.org

Also make sure you have malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com in your Safe Sender list in email.

In order to assist you better please provide the following information when contacting them:

  • Cleverbridge Order Reference Number
  • Organization name
  • Approved Contact name

If you no longer have access to the order number, you can contact Cleverbridge to obtain information about your order:

Cleverbridge Customer Service

Thanks very much,


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