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Got most of a virus but....

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Ok on my Sony Viao with Vista, I got this fake anti-virus anti malware 2011. I managed to find two processes on task master one was what was stated above the other was Securitymanager.exe. I managed to turn them off and I tried to run AVG and it would not scan although I was able to get into the GUI. I then went to Defender and managed to get off a scan. It found the folders with the infections and got rid off them. I rebooted and installed regfix v6.2 AND Malwarebytes, cuz AVG still did not want to work. They installed fine and when I start to scan everything works about 2 minutes then it stops. When i try to relaunch them I get the "Windows can not access the specified device path..." error message. I tried in safe mode and still got the same error message, and AVG still will not scan. I noticed also that I can not download any programs off the net as well, it will get to 99% and then hang. I am wondering if I or Defender missed something, maybe in the registry or some where else? I installled Malwarebytes and Regfi thru a ext HD which works fine.

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