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help me please

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Woke up this morning, had about 15 tabs with firefox open, all on different junk pages. Ran MBAM (had to update), when I started the scan, it stopped after 4 seconds. I double clicked the shortcut and it said it didn't exist or I had no rights to it. Opened my computer, and went to where the file should be, and it was there, but the icon was different. I clicked it and got the same error message. So I went and re downloaded it, installed it, and updated but didn't launch it. Re-booted computer to safe mode. Ran the scan, and it completed. Found 4 threats. I removed them, and then re-started computer in regular mode. Went to scan the computer again, and it stopped again after 4 seconds. It's also still redirecting me to different websites when i click on search with google. I've looked at other threads on this forum, but I know that each computer is different, so I didn't want to do something til I get advice specifically for me.

Btw, the o/s is windows vista home



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