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SVC.exe ISP Blocking

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I've been using the free version of MBAM until yesterday, when I upgraded to the pro version. I run ESET NOD antivirus + COMODO Firewall, along with MBAM and S&D. I don't believe that I have an infection so mods please DO NOT post the whole mumbo jumbo "If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned...."

All I need to know is if the rest of you think I'm infected or not. I don't believe I am, but I want to make sure.

The ISP block log is as follows:

16:04:54 Wanton IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 57359, Process: svchost.exe)

16:06:06 Wanton IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 57359, Process: svchost.exe)

16:08:51 Wanton IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 57359, Process: svchost.exe)

and so forth.

What is this IP? Do I need to make a post on the Removal Forum?

If I am I will follow the directions and post in the removal forum.


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Hello and welcome, wanton86:

IP blocking can occur as a result of certain legitimate programs such as Skype, and it can happen when MBAM is doing its job by preventing bad content from websites from infecting your computer.

But it can also be the result of infection on your system, especially if the IP blocks are "outgoing" and if they occur when no browsers are open.

If you want more information about the particular IP block you are getting, you can check ip-lookup.net.

Please have a look at the FAQ - Section G for information about the IP blocking module.

After doing so, if you think these IP blocks are false positives, then please start a new thread here.

If, on the other hand, you think you might be infected, then, well, it appears you already know how to proceed.

(As for the "mumbo jumbo" to which you refer, those are the standard forum guidelines per MBAM staff which apply to all of us and to everyone visiting the MBAM forums. :) )

Best regards,


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Thanks for the quick response. I believe I was actually browsing the internet at the time of the blocked IP. Anyways, looking up the IP based on the site you gave resulted in a Netherlands base. I'll go ahead and try posting in the removal forums.

As far as the mumbo jumbo, I know it's the default response and that you guys are supposed to do it. I've just seen too many times where people don't even read the problem and just slap a copy / pasted response.

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Hi, wanton86:

OK - sounds like you have a plan.

And, yes, we DO read the posts -- it's just that this particular sub-forum is designated ONLY for discussion of issues/problems with installing/running the MBAM program. :)

We really CANNOT work on malware diagnosis or removal here, especially since many of us (myself included) are not authorized to do so. :(

That is why we refer folks posting about possible infection-related issues to the malware removal sub-forum -- the authorized, trained experts can provide the necessary support at that other board.

Newcomers with all sorts of issues often post here in the General forum, and we try to steer them to the correct place for the best help with their particular issue.

Anyway, enjoy your stay here at MBAM and let us know if you need anything else.

Best regards,


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