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Malware Flickering Unresponsive


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Hi Everyone,

Good to be on the forum theres an extensive amount of info on here! Anyway I've posted this thread because whenever I try to run a scan on malware the box keeps flickering between not responding and working again. It perfomed the full scan fine but was very annoying! Any suggestions on how to fix it?

many thanks


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Hello and welcome to MBAM, geared:

It sounds as if MBAM is intermittently freezing during scans?

This can be due to something as simple as a conflict with your AV program, or it can be due to other system issues, or it can be due to infection.

Until someone more expert arrives, can you please provide us with a bit more information, so as to be able to better assist you?

  • What is your Operating System (XP, Vista, or Win7)?
  • Is your OS 32-bit or 64-bit?
  • What is your OS Service Pack?
  • What version of MBAM have you run (current is
  • What MBAM database version did you use (current is 7402)?
  • What brand and version of antivirus, antimalware, and firewall software do you have?
  • Do you use a router to connect to the internet?
  • Have you recently been infected, or is there any indication that you might now be infected (popups, browser re-directs, problems running other programs, etc)?

Thanks very much!


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