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MBAM "freeze" .... infect or ? help me

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august 2011

yesterday and today after 4 or 5 minutes of “total” scan …. MBAM freeze and

not work ! and when Task Manager is not possible to close and kill the

MBAM.EXE process !

Why ? i scan all the computer with AVAST but not infection ! what to do ?

Disinstall MBAM and re-install or ? help me please.

I use windows xp

help me.... best Mery

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Hello. Denny_M:

Freezes can be the result of several issues, such as conflicts with your AV program and infection.

Let's check first to see if you have set the necessary exclusions and permissions for Avast and MBAM.

Here's how:

Set Exclusions for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in Avast! Antivirus 6 (Free, Pro and Internet Security):

  • Open Avast! antivirus and click on REAL-TIME SHIELDS on the left
  • Click on File System Shield on the left and click on Expert Settings
  • Click the Exclusions section
  • Click on Browse next to the blank entry at the bottom of the list (this will be the only entry if no other exclusions have been set yet)
  • In the Select the areas window click on the + next to C:
  • Click the + next to Program Files Note: For 64 bit Windows versions this will be Program Files (x86)
  • Click the box next to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on OK
  • Click OK again
  • Click on Web Shield on the left and click Expert Settings
  • Click on Exclusions and check the box next to URLs to exclude:
  • Type or copy/paste the following address:
  • Click on OK
    Also, for Avast! Internet Security:
  • Click on Behavior Shield on the left and click Expert Settings
  • Click on Trusted Processes
  • Click on Browse next to the blank entry at the bottom of the list (this will be the only entry if no other exclusions have been set yet)
  • Navigate to C:Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click once on mbam.exe and click Open Note: For 64 bit Windows versions this will be Program Files (x86)
  • Do the same for the following files:
    • mbamgui.exe
    • mbamservice.exe

    [*]Click on OK

    [*]Close Avast! antivirus

Set Exclusions for Avast! Antivirus Free, Pro and Internet Security in Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

  • Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Ignore List tab
  • Click on the Add button on the lower left
  • In the small browse window that opens, navigate to C:\Program Files and click once on avast software and click on OK
  • Close Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Please post back and let us know if this works.



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