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Windows Login Issues


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My wife has had her laptop for about 2 years and has probably only shut it down 10 times (then only due to windows updates making her). Upon letting her battery die a few weeks ago, starting up the the computer and logging into any account other than the Administrator account fails to load userinit.exe. I have to manually start it from the task manager to get it to continue the logon process including running explorer.exe and any user specific settings, and this is terribly annoying. But everything runs completely normal after the manual start of userinit.exe. I've read many forums and cannot seem to find a solution. I can load windows in safe mode or turn on the administrator account and login to it and the userinit.exe loads fine. I've used the startup repair, and sfc /scannow, I've also run MBAM, Prevx, TrojanRemover, and have MSE as an antivirus, and have seen no real threat other than a Google Search Redirect rootkit which Prevx easily resolved. Though, I did try to use a system restore point and all were corrupted so no luck there. I've checked my userinit registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and the userinit REG_SZ value is set to C:\windows\system32\userinit.exe

I'm at a loss and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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