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?Trojan.Hiloti report

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Hi, I Just ran a Malwarebytes quick scan after updating to latest detection file.

2 reports of Trojan.Hiloti in C:\WINDOWS\system32\mdimon.dll - one in a file and one in a memory module

Avira Premium did not report anything.

Win XP SP3 up to date with patches

MBAM log attached.

Dell D810

Processor Intel® Pentium® M processor 2.13GHz

Processor Speed 2.08 GHz

Memory (RAM) 2048 MB

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Operating System Version 5.1.2600

Is this a false positive or must I so something about it? I have not use the REMOVE SELECTED button as a Google search suggested taht it is a windows component.

Tx George

mbam-log-2011-07-29 (20-51-44).txt

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Welcome to the forums George_S :)

This has been an issue that should be resolved in the meantime. Please update your database, and rescan. Let us know if the problem still remains.

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Yes, this was a false positive that was reported earlier today and has been fixed :)

Glad to hear that your issue is solved, and you're most welcome.

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