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Infected by Win32zbot.D

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So i bought a new lenevo z560 laptop 2 months ago and managed to get in infected by transferring stuff from my office computer via an external device

When i switch it on the computer loads windows 7 and after a few minutes MES pops up with notification of a severe threat

The details mention Win32zbot.D and after successfuly quarantining/removing the same... the laptop crashes and reboots

this has been going on for numerous times... i've made runs from MES, Spyware doctor and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in normal, safe mode with and without networking but nothing has worked

i'm tired and on the verge of giving up

i know i can format the drive but frankly i want to avoid this as its a brand new computer and honestly im a little afraid of doing the same

pls help!!!

Thanks in advance....

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