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XP Security 2012

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Hello MBAM people, I've noticed quite a few of these topics already and sorry to post another but I've seen nothing helpful to this point...

I'm having the same "XP Security 2012" Malware problem on my other PC and all I've seen was "Go here and download this, run this, and run this and your problem will be solved" but the malware is preventing me from browsing the web with Firefox and preventing me from opening Malwarebytes at all. I did a scan with my AVAST! but it's not finding anything after full system scans.

I obviously can browse the web to download anything, or open or even update Malwarebytes.

I have an external HD that I could put a program on from this PC but I'm not sure if the malware will get onto the external so I don't want to mess that up...

Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated, and I'll be checking back regularly.



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Hello and welcome, bradleym:

Sorry to hear you caught the bug...

Did you see this very recent thread about the same problem?


Not sure what you mean by "nothing helpful", though.

We cannot work on malware removal in this particular part of the General MBAM forum.

So, if you would like assistance, please refer to the post linked above and follow those instructions - there are several options for assistance with malware removal.

If you would like the free assistance at the malware removal forum and the infection has so crippled the system that you cannot run the requested tools (MBAM, DDS), then please just start a thread at the malware removal forum (linked in the post mentioned above) with as much information as you can provide.

Sorry we cannot help you in this particular sub-forum, :(


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I've been top that thread and by "nothing helpful" I mean that the malware will NOT let me open Malwarebytes to run scans, and it will NOT let me browse the internet at all using Firefox, so I can not update Malwarebytes or download any other program in the following steps to complete it.

So I'm stuck and don't know what to do.

If this isn't the right place to post my problems, then where is?

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OK, let's start from scratch.

Note: the bold, blue, underlined words in the text below are hyperlinks. If you click them, they will take you to the correct pages (or email addresses).

1. First, please go to THIS PAGE, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can, skipping any you are unable to complete. If the system is very crippled by the malware, just do the best you can.

2. Then, please describe your computer's symptoms as best you can and post the requested logs by starting a new thread at the malware removal forum HERE. (Please use copy/paste to include the scan results directly in the body of your post, rather than attaching the log files.) If you cannot run any of the tools or post any logs, then just describe with as much detail as you can what is happening with the computer.

One of the authorized, trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible for one-on-one malware detection and removal.

When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds.

Please be patient and allow at least 24-48 hours before bumping your thread - the "0" reply count helps the experts spot your thread.

Other Support Options:

--- Alternatively, as a paying customer using MBAM PRO, you may wish instead to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org; or

--- Premium, fee-based support options are available here.

NOTE: If you are a reseller, affiliate, technician, corporate, business, educational, government or non-profit customer then please contact corporate-support@malwarebytes.org and include full contact details along with your Reference # when you do, in order to ensure that you receive prompt assistance.

I hope this helps to clarify a bit,


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