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Hello guys,

Its my 1st post here in MalwareBytes Forum, Im just curious why is it that vista panel,

panel.byethost.com is blocked from MBAM, I cannot open the URL for me to login...

I just added the IP to ignore list to be able to login...

Why is it blocked?

Thanks for the MBAM App, it is really usefull to me and protects my system...

Keep up the good work...

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Unfortunately, this has been an ongoing issue with them since 2009. However, all remaining cases appear to have finally been resolved, so it'll be unblocked in the next update, but unless things change over there, this is always going to be a problem (and this applies to all similar types of sites (sadly, free hosts are constantly abused, and they rarely have the resources or funds, to properly deal with and prevent, these issues))

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