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The FAQ states, "IP Protection provides an additional layer of security for your computer, by preventing access to known malicious IP addresses and IP ranges."

Question: From whence do you obtain your information on the maliciousness of addresses and ranges? MBAM appears to be blocking an excessive number of addresses when I run my P2P client. Warning balloons flash almost non-stop, to the point I swear I can sense a slight breeze coming from the tray area of my screen.... ;)

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The only choice you have is to disable the ip blocker when using P2P, not that p2p is recommended to use. The ip blocker is tailored towards malicous websites known to cause driveby downloads, and a bunch of other things.

While I can see the obvious advantage to this, I am curious ... I get a message in my log:

IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

It tells me NOTHING about what was trying to get out the door, or, what program was trying to do the dastardly deed. How do I know WHAT was going on when the event triggered?

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