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General purchase info.

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I just wanted to check and make sure that after purchasing, Weather i will recieve future version updates.

Or if i'll have to purchase again after a year or a new and improved version of the mailware software comes out.

May be a stupid question but not asking things like this has cost me with other software in the past.

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I just wanted to check and make sure that after purchasing, Weather i will recieve future version updates.

Or if i'll have to purchase again after a year or a new and improved version of the mailware software comes out.

May be a stupid question but not asking things like this has cost me with other software in the past.

Hi Genmu and welcome to Malwarebytes. No it's not a stupid question. Lots of companies charge yearly for renewals. MBAM is a lifetime license with all future updates included in that. The current version is the 30th since its public release nearly a year ago.

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