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A Tale

Once upon a time,

our family computer became ill with the (brastk.exe) Trojan. This little beast shut down the fire wall and Windows Defender became completley unstable. Dad has done battle several times on the family unit and he's always won but, this time it won't go away. About 5hrs latter online we go hunting for the alogrithim that will kill the beast. I actually paid for one (very highly touted) but won't mention names because they actually refunded my money.

The new programs GUI was impressive. This disturbed me immediatly as I know window dressing=clock time. After updating signatures and x3 full on scans (approx 21hrs total) alas, the beast kept reappearing. Dad was tired and p^&*(d. Back online we go, only this time more research lead me HERE!!!! 40mins latter the beast was crushed. Not only did this program find the desired target it also found 11 others that Mr. High and Mighty left behind.

Things I really like about this program:

No new windows service to deal with.

No new startup items to deal with.

It's really fast.

It's not bundeled in an giant mish mash huge invasive monster that is entirely uncalled for. You know what I mean.

It even found one tiny little home page hijacker on my own personal computer. I run an Agnitum ver 3.51 firewall wich I personally have configured for every app I use, over the last 5 years. I have no intention of ever getting their new product, which, is just as I have described above. On my personal computer I observed that your scanner running at full tilt did not ever once push the resource/clock above 25%. Ever once! I watched the whole scan while I guzzled my budweiser. Impressive to say the least.

The family computer is happy, the school projects are getting done, face book is getting visited again, and, who knows what all else is happening on that thing again thanks to your scanner.

Thanks again!! :blink:

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