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Question about scan scheduler

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Any reason that when I try to change settings on my MWB scan scheduler, that nothing seems to change. If I try to change the settings on my scan from daily to weekly, from quick scan to full, or check any of the boxes, such as "Remove and quarentine all threats automatically" then close the window, then click back, everything reverts back to "quick scan", "daily" and non of the six boxes checked. Seems to be working ok according to logs, just can't change anything about the scheduled scans.

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Hello, normar 1949:

Are you running the most current version of MBAM PRO ( (Current defs are 5635, as of this writing.)

A couple of things about the scheduler (I agree, it is not entirely intuitive):

1) Open the main user interface > about > help & you will find some explanations there about how to set it up & use it.

2) If you search the forums here, you'll also turn up some threads about this, with detailed suggestions from the MBAM folks.

3) Short version: with the current scheduler, you cannot edit/change existing settings. So, if you want to change anything about your scheduled updates or scans, you need to first go into the scheduler and DELETE your existing settings, then RECREATE them from scratch. Then be sure to OK/apply etc as you back out of the various windows, so that the changes will stick. Close the MBAM interface (main window), then reopen it and check to be sure your new settings are there.

So, for example, based on my attached screen shot, if I wanted to change my Quick Scan settings, I would: highlight it (as shown) > click "delete" > click "add" and set up a new Quick Scan schedule.

(FWIW, Quick Scans are all you routinely need. Full scans are only needed after cleaning up malware, so they need not be scheduled, unless you are overly paranoid and/or are not running MBAM PRO with its real-time protection module enabled.)

Hope this helps a bit.

Please post back and let us know if you need additional assistance.



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Even BETTER than my explanation. :blink:

Thanks, Wide Glide!


The tutorials explain very nicely. However, when I try to click the "Remove and quarentine" and "Restart the computer" boxes, and click add, I get the following error message. "An error has occured. Please report this error to our support team"

"PROGRAM_ERROR_SCHEDULER_ADD(5011,0,Schedule Task) The object is already on the list."

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Open the Malwarebytes' Program and click the About Tab

Current version is


On your error, delete the present Scheduled scan and then reset to the options you choose, tick the boxes and then click add

If this does not resolve your issue, will get a Expert to assist you


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Hi, normar 1949:

I don't want to confuse you, but I *think* what is happening is that you might be clicking the "add" button each time you tic one of the scheduler option boxes, and that might be generating the error message?

(Because the scheduler thinks you are trying to edit or "add" to a scan that is already scheduled?)

So, to further elaborate on what Wide Glide just suggested, try this:

1) Open the scheduler & select (highlight) your scheduled scan (as in my screenshot in my original reply), & then click the delete button. That scheduled scan should disappear from list of scheduled tasks. Do the same thing for each scheduled scan you might have. This will remove all the scheduled scans.

2) Close the MBAM interface & then re-open the scheduler -- there should be no scheduled scans listed.

3) Next, open the Scan tab in the scheduler and set up a single Quick Scan schedule (e.g. "daily" at 09:00 AM), but BEFORE you click "add", you need to enable (tic) or disable (un-tic) whichever of the options you do and do not want. (See my screenshot for an example of settings options.)

4) Only when you have made all your customized selections for the various options should you then click the "add" button.

Does this work?

OK, so to minimize confusion, I'll let WG help you the rest of the way. (And be sure to watch the youtube video...)

(Send me a PM if you'd like further assistance from me -- I just don't want to send your head spinning unnecessarily from having "too many cooks" on the pot!)



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Hi, normar 1949:

I don't want to confuse you, but I *think* what is happening is that you might be clicking the "add" button each time you tic one of the scheduler option boxes, and that might be generating the error message?

(Because the scheduler thinks you are trying to edit or "add" to a scan that is already scheduled?)

So, to further elaborate on what Wide Glide just suggested, try this:

1) Open the scheduler & select (highlight) your scheduled scan (as in my screenshot in my original reply), & then click the delete button. That scheduled scan should disappear from list of scheduled tasks. Do the same thing for each scheduled scan you might have. This will remove all the scheduled scans.

2) Close the MBAM interface & then re-open the scheduler -- there should be no scheduled scans listed.

3) Next, open the Scan tab in the scheduler and set up a single Quick Scan schedule (e.g. "daily" at 09:00 AM), but BEFORE you click "add", you need to enable (tic) or disable (un-tic) whichever of the options you do and do not want. (See my screenshot for an example of settings options.)

4) Only when you have made all your customized selections for the various options should you then click the "add" button.

Does this work?

OK, so to minimize confusion, I'll let WG help you the rest of the way. (And be sure to watch the youtube video...)

(Send me a PM if you'd like further assistance from me -- I just don't want to send your head spinning unnecessarily from having "too many cooks" on the pot!)



Yes, I am happy now. :) Only thing, is when I close the MWB screen, then re open it, the scheduled scan option is exactly like I left it, but the update screen comes back on hourly. However in the area above, where the options you chose are listed, it still says "daily". I ain't messing with it no more. Thanks.

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Hi, normar 1949:

OK, good! :)

Now, just follow the same procedure for the UPDATES.

It's essentially the same process (although some of the sub-options are different, as they relate to updating, rather than scanning).

MBAM typically updates the definitions 4-5 times a day, so I have mine set for hourly updates and flash scans, b/c I have my system up and working nearly 24/7.

However, if you find that too intrusive, the default settings or once daily for updates with or without a flash scan, should be fine.

So, to change the updates schedule:

1) Open the scheduler, highlight and then delete whatever update schedule you already have.

2) Then click "close",

3) Then click "scheduler" to reopen that window,

4) Then click the "update" tab,

5) Then make whatever changes you want to the frequency (there is a drop down menu of options), time and settings options, etc. (If you prefer times other than the default, simply highlight the time in the text box and type whatever time you prefer. For example, I do my scans daily at 5 PM, but I update hourly at X:30, so that MBAM doesn't try to scan and update at the same time.)

6) Then click "add",

7) Then click "close" (and then "exit" to close the MBAM main window).

Screen shot attached for reference.

Does that work?

Best regards,


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