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I am at a lost.....I was infected with zlob, trojan dns changer, i have tried everything I can find to get rid of it yes even malwarebytes.....it continues to cause problems. how do I get rid of it????

is it actually makes changes to my router??? or just in the os?

any help would be appreciated

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DNSChanger will patch your modem/router if you either have UPNP in the router turned on or have never set a non default log in for the router .

99% of people have one or the other (or both) so this is very likely in your case .

A full router/modem reset is needed or you can also log in and remove the malware DNS servers yourself .

I have a pile to do today and do not have the time to walk you through this .

@staff , Please see to it that someone gets to this , we need CRs for dealing with patched routers/modems built .

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