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After years of almost problem free operation along came WhiteSmoke [what sicko invented this!?]. tried all the tricks I knew, found new ones...finally came across recommendation to use Malw. At one point could not get on internet to do anything. Whatever, I finally got Malw........ran.....pinpointed PUP.WhiteSmoke......................deleted [or whatever] but it reappeared. somewhere along the way was unable to get on internet, had to reinstall Malw a number of time. OH.......now I remember......purchased Malw and got much better results. bigger listing of WhiteSmoke [only bad guy] .....things started to work again but WhiteSmoke still had listings in the Reg. Fool that I am I finally manually deleted any reference to WS in the registry. All seems to be fine. Will I be sorry I messed with the Registry in this manner?

Have read that WS is not Malware........ WS.....bad guy or not? I vote really bad!

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