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problems with removing mebroot

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ok first I apologize for starting a new topic towards this, as there was a topic on this but was locked, my issue is slightly different though or atleast it seems.

so details os: vista home premium cpu: amd athlon x2 dual core 5600+ Ram: 3gig, and its a hewlet packard made machine

recently norton on my computer started showing up with an action required message of ' boot.mebroot remove failed'

so I started looking into what exactly that meant poked around different places and found various instructions on such things as loading from the windows disc and fixing the master boot record. to running the program mbr.exe, and fixmebroot. here is where my problem comes in, mbr brings up these results

Stealth MBR rootkit/Mebroot/Sinowal/TDL4 detector 0.4.2 by Gmer, http://www.gmer.net

Windows 6.0.6002 Disk: WDC_WD40 rev.12.0 -> Harddisk0\DR0 -> \Device\00000055

device: opened successfully

user: MBR read successfully

kernel: MBR read successfully

user & kernel MBR OK

fixmebroot refuses to run after providing me with this message

This fix tool is designed to run only in windows 2000, windows xp, or windows 2003.

and again norton still says it cant remove the boot.mebroot file

so hopefully someone can offer some advice

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Please don't attach the scan results, use Copy/Paste

DO NOT use any TOOLS such as Combofix or HijackThis fixes without supervision.

Doing so could make your pc inoperatible and could require a full reinstall of your OS, losing all your programs and data.

Vista and Windows 7 users:

1. These tools MUST be run from the executable. (.exe) every time you run them

2. With Admin Rights (Right click, choose "Run as Administrator")

Stay with this topic until I give you the all clean post.

You might want to print these instructions out.

Note: Close all browsers before running ATF Cleaner: IE, FireFox, etc.

Please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune.

Download - ATF Cleaner

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Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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