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Adware Cinmus?

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How you doin..................

Ran Malwarebyytes as usual yesterday and found 3 infections in the registry which cannot remove even after reboot...

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.30

Database version: 1351

Windows 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1

02-11-2008 08:53:28

mbam-log-2008-11-02 (08-53-28).txt

Scan type: Quick Scan

Objects scanned: 44707

Time elapsed: 5 minute(s), 42 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 3

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\acroiehelper.acroiehlprobj (Adware.Cinmus) -> Delete on reboot.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\acroiehelper.acroiehlprobj.1 (Adware.Cinmus) -> Delete on reboot.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{06849e9f-c8d7-4d59-b87d-784b7d6be0b3} (Adware.Cinmus) -> Delete on reboot.

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

I know its only a PUA and not potentially malicious .............but is it possible to get rid of this Adware?

I have steganos internet suite installed.....Ad Aware, AVG and SuperAntispyware.....CCleaner & Advanced Windows Care.

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the other thread was reporting/indicating that the detection of Adobe Reader entries as "adware.cinmus" in database 1351 was a FP (=False Positive)...

meaning that it should NOT have been "detected" by MBAM --- such detection was a mistake --- and MBAM has fixed their error with creation of database 1352.

if you quarantined these particular entries, they should be restored from quarantine.

if you deleted these entries, check to see if adobe reader is functioning properly... and if you have any problems with it, you might need to reinstall reader.

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