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No clue what this is


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Just got finished doing a scan and I got 2 hits. Here's my scan log:

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware


Database version: 5473

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.5512

1/6/2011 4:32:40 PM

mbam-log-2011-01-06 (16-32-28).txt

Scan type: Full scan (C:\|D:\|E:\|)

Objects scanned: 190879

Time elapsed: 54 minute(s), 53 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 0

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 2

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

c:\WINDOWS\servicepackfiles\i386\mshta.exe (Trojan.Dropper) -> No action taken.

c:\WINDOWS\$ntservicepackuninstall$\mshta.exe (Trojan.Dropper) -> No action taken.

I'm hoping it's just a false positive/nothing serious. I scanned yesterday and I didn't get these things popping up. I've been watching the sites I go to and sticking to the sites I trust. Can somebody help me?

Thank you.

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Hello ImFreakingOutBigTime!

I am setting this up for a false positive, I will be looking into this.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention and I will update you more when I finish up with my results.

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EDIT: Sorry, Mainard -- your fingers were faster than mine. But the OP might still wish to update IE to 8?

Hi and welcome:

Until one of the experts arrives, I might ask: is there some particular reason why are you still running IE6?

If -- in fact -- your system turns out to be infected (to which I will defer to the experts), then using such an old, insecure version of IE may creating security vulnerabilities on your system.

This may have contributed to your having picked up a nasty beastie.

(FWIW If they determine that you are infected, they will direct you to the correct forum and the instruction for how to proceed to get cleaned up. You will likely be asked to update your IE at some point in the process.)

Best regards,


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I need someone to zip and attach a copy of mshta.exe that is being detected.

Mine just detected the same. Im hoping its a falst positive too as the last time i scanned a few days ago, it was fine.

Detecting in:




I'll upload mine in a minute.

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Hello ImFreakingOutBigTime!

I am setting this up for a false positive, I will be looking into this.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention and I will update you more when I finish up with my results.

You're welcome. :blink:

EDIT: Sorry, Mainard -- your fingers were faster than mine. But the OP might still wish to update IE to 8?

Hi and welcome:

Until one of the experts arrives, I might ask: is there some particular reason why are you still running IE6?

If -- in fact -- your system turns out to be infected (to which I will defer to the experts), then using such an old, insecure version of IE may creating security vulnerabilities on your system.

This may have contributed to your having picked up a nasty beastie.

(FWIW If they determine that you are infected, they will direct you to the correct forum and the instruction for how to proceed to get cleaned up. You will likely be asked to update your IE at some point in the process.)

Best regards,


I've got to be honest about IE. I literally never use it. I use Google Chrome mainly. I really do wish I could uninstall IE completely because I feel it's kind of a waste of space having something I never click on at all anymore still be on the computer. But the way Dell/Windows XP bundles IE onto the computer--I'm not even sure if uninstalling is an option.

I made a change that should have fixed this.
Just downloaded the latest definition database and its no longer detecting it as a problem. I assume it was a false positive then?

Thanks for responding so quickly.

I haven't re-scanned yet. I'm going to close everything out, update again and I'll rescan then. I'll be back later on tonight and confirm if the same things popped up.

Let me go ahead and thank you all for the replies and with the help. I appreciate it very much. :blink:

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You're welcome. :blink:

I've got to be honest about IE. I literally never use it. I use Google Chrome mainly. I really do wish I could uninstall IE completely because I feel it's kind of a waste of space having something I never click on at all anymore still be on the computer. But the way Dell/Windows XP bundles IE onto the computer--I'm not even sure if uninstalling is an option.

Yes, I don't use it for browsing, either. :blink:

But, some programs use it (behind the scenes) e.g. for updating themselves and other functions, etc.

So, even if it's not your DEFAULT browser, and you don't "use" it for browsing, it's still important to keep it up to date, if only for security reasons.

(I don't think one can -- or should -- try to uninstall IE, b/c it is so integrated into the OS.)

I'm sure one of the actual experts will elaborate in more technical terms and/or set me straight on this, if I am incorrect.

But, that's my understanding of it (as a gray-haired, self-taught, home user).


EDIT: You only really need to run Quick scans with MBAM (+/- Flash Scans with updates, if you are running the PRO version). Quick scan will get to all the important places and files. Full scans are really only needed to clear out possible remnants of infections. So it's overkill to run Full scans frequently. Can't hurt from time to time, but you don't need to tie up your system with daily Full scans.


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Yes, I don't use it for browsing, either. :blink:

But, some programs use it (behind the scenes) e.g. for updating themselves and other functions, etc.

So, even if it's not your DEFAULT browser, and you don't "use" it for browsing, it's still important to keep it up to date, if only for security reasons.

(I don't think one can -- or should -- try to uninstall IE, b/c it is so integrated into the OS.)

I'm sure one of the actual experts will elaborate in more technical terms and/or set me straight on this, if I am incorrect.

But, that's my understanding of it (as a gray-haired, self-taught, home user).


EDIT: You only really need to run Quick scans with MBAM (+/- Flash Scans with updates, if you are running the PRO version). Quick scan will get to all the important places and files. Full scans are really only needed to clear out possible remnants of infections. So it's overkill to run Full scans frequently. Can't hurt from time to time, but you don't need to tie up your system with daily Full scans.


It just got done scanning again and everything came out clear that time. :blink:

I'll go and update IE as soon as this post submits. You definitely know more than I do about computers--I'll put it that way. I'm good at fixing certain things as long as I look something up. Fixing most things on my own--lol, I can forget about that!

I'd asked before about quick scans and others have told me that I don't need to do the full scans. I swear I kick things into overdrive. I really am good about scanning the computer with the programs I have (McAfee virus and Malwarebytes). I simply can't get into the groove of letting MB scan on the quick setting. It's some really weird part of me. Even if I don't do much on the computer...it's like a habit. lol, what a strange habit to have, eh! I think I'm going off to click on the quick scan and really try my best to only do a full scan once a month or something. It's going to be such a hard habit to break but I really am willing to give it a try.

Once again--thank you all for the help. :huh: Yall are the best! :P

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