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Trojan Dropper

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I was using my computer last night, and got a notice saying that my computer

was in danger, as it was unprotected....it started running a scan from a service

that I didnt own, and I mistakenly answered with a NO....I do not want to protect

my system with your service.....OOPS!

It broke my Malwarebytes, and my anti virus system, and prevented me from

going online to download a new Malwarebytes program....

Even when I went to Safe Mode with networking it prevented me from going online.

I had to go to Tools, and to Connection, then uncheck the proxy server button

because the trojan had written that in to prevent me from going online and getting help

After that, I could go online, get MalwareBytes downloaded fresh, and run it, and

it found three Trojan Dropper files and I was able to successfully remove then from

my system.

After reading your posts, I realize that if I had the upgraded version, perhaps it

wouldve stopped it earlier, saving me the hassle and scare....

Thanks very much Malwarebytes!


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