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Holy Golf

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Jesus, Moses, and an old guy with a white beard are playing golf.

When Moses hits the ball, it rolls toward the water hazard. However, he parts the water with his hands and the ball rolls onto the green.

Jesus takes his swing. It too heads for the water. Jesus makes it slide on the surface of the water, and it stops on the green.

The old man hits the ball. It also rolls toward the water. Then, a frog jumps out of the water and eats the ball. Then a hawk grabs the frog in its talons and makes away. Then the hawk turns around because a truck is driving in its way. The frog lets go of the ball, and it lands in the hole for a hole-in-one.

Moses turns to Jesus and says,

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"Man, I hate playing with your dad!"

I got this one from a philosophy-and-jokes disk

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