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right click website blocking

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Hi there,

Having a few issues with the right click website blocking. Firstly, is it only possible to right click and add to ignore list when you have the "show tooltip balloon" option enabled? Seems that when tooltip option is disabled, the add to ignore list is grayed out.

Secondly, when trying to switch website blocking ON with right click, it takes an age before the little tick symbol appears next to it, is this intentional or just me?

Many thanks!

ps. sorry for double posting, moved the topic here from comments and suggestions on advice of another member.

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Hello Redsparro! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season,

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention, I have been able to replicate this. MBAM does need the 'show tool-tip balloon' option enabled to allow for an IP to be added to the ignore list.

As far as the second issue, on Win7/Vista checking the website blocking option causes a delay for the checkmark to appear. Do not worry it will load :)

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