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The Looney Test

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A doctor had recently moved to a new practice and was visiting the local Hospital as part of the moving in process.

He was being shown around by a senior houseman and as part of the grand tour,they went by the Psychiatric ward.

Infront of them was a large blue door with the words 'Assessment Station' written on it.

"What goes on in here?" asked the new Doctor.

"This is where we clinically assess new patients,would you like to see?" replied the houseman.

They entered the room which was completely white,the walls,ceiling and floor all white tiles. In the centre of the room was a roll-top bath filled with

pink coloured water. Beside the bath was a small table with a bucket,teacup and a thimble on.

"This is our main test." explained the houseman, " we bring the patients in here and ask them to empty the bath."

" I see." said the new doctor.

" Really?" asked the houseman, "what would you use to empty the bath then?"

" The bucket, obviously!!" mocked the new doctor.

"That's very interesting, " said the houseman, " most sane people would pull the plug out."

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