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Thanks for Killing the Malware

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Thank you for taking care of my computer. Yesterday, I was looking for a one minute fragment of Law and Order, and the only ways were to pay for the episode, but I only wanted to see just a minute. So I decided to look for it and there was a video site, but the video player wanted to run Java; I was 90% sure this was a virus, but I took the risk, just in case it was the episode. It was a virus, then I did the scan and it took care of everything, 15 viruses, in fact.

Thanks MBAM!

(If you want to snip the part about me looking for the fragment, then fine)

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I'm glad that Malwarebytes was able to take care of your malware issue :) I hope that you scanned with your antivirus as well just to make sure. Also it would not hurt to continue scanning daily with an Mbam quick scan just in case to make sure nothing is hiding. If you were to keep finding something, you should take a visit to the malware removal forum here.

If you live in the US, www.hulu.com is a safe and free site (there is premium content as well but there is plenty for free too) that has tv shows and clips... you should use that instead.

Don't do searches for movies and tv episodes unless you are hunting for malware purposefully -- that's usually a sure-fire way to get infected unfortunately :)

Hulu.com or the official tv networks site are the best bet.

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I'm glad that Malwarebytes was able to take care of your malware issue :) I hope that you scanned with your antivirus as well just to make sure. Also it would not hurt to continue scanning daily with an Mbam quick scan just in case to make sure nothing is hiding. If you were to keep finding something, you should take a visit to the malware removal forum here.

If you live in the US, www.hulu.com is a safe and free site (there is premium content as well but there is plenty for free too) that has tv shows and clips... you should use that instead.

Don't do searches for movies and tv episodes unless you are hunting for malware purposefully -- that's usually a sure-fire way to get infected unfortunately :)

Hulu.com or the official tv networks site are the best bet.

Hulu wasn't in the Search results, like it would if it would have the episode. I am doing some scanning with my AV then MBAM, again, since my browser (Opera :)) keeps opening a fraud site, because of the virus. So I reported it to NetCraft and soon all browsers with Phishtank should get a warning. So, in all, I am kinda happy I did it, so others can be notified about it.

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So I decided to look for it and there was a video site, but the video player wanted to run Java;

Going to any site that request to a run a program that it shouldn't is always something to be weary of. Running Java for video content is not normal and shouldn't ever happen. I'd recommend also scanning with Superantispyware. :)

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Ah. Well, just sayin', be careful what you're searchin' for and clicking on :)

If you think you may be infected and need assistance cleaning it up and making sure that you are absolutely clean,

please read here and then post here.

Please use the ADD REPLY button located at the bottom of the page when replying. t_reply.gif


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I agree with Buttons, it's pretty much unheard of to have to run Java to watch a video or a clip. QuickTime, Flash, and Silverlight are what most video streams/clips use.

I don't even have Java installed anymore. Barely use it and that's one more thing to have to update and worry about security with :)

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I know using Java as the decoder and player is unheard of, except with with Cortado, but I was willing to take the risk. Come to think of it, I only use Java once in a Black Swan, so I think I'll uninstall it now. (Wish I could do the same for Flash, but HTML5 isn't far enough along, yet.)

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