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So Maybe Getting Molested by the TSA Isn't SO Awful


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So Maybe Getting Molested by the TSA Isn't SO Awful


Comedian and Community star Joel McHale thinks that having your genitals fondled by a stranger as you attempt to get home to your irritating family isn't the worst thing ever. Hey, plenty of people pay to get grabbed there.

Of course, getting screened by a TSA agent often entails something worse than a gentle rub. Like, a lot worse. Good luck, Giz flyers.

Send an email to the author of this post at sbiddle (at) gizmodo.com.


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Something Andrew Dice Clay would say and ask if he could do it again. -_-

Ahhh, YES! The Dice Man.. Haven't heard from him for quite awhile. He used to crack me up. -_-

T; thanks for the YouTube link last night; after listening to Sam (died toooooo young) I got to listening to George Carlin's stuff.. His Hippy, Dippy Weatherman (WINO) is still one of my all time favorites. *grin*


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