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I'm not sure that the updates are working

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First of all it took me over 45 minutes to register, didn't send me a e-mail, then I reregistered, wouldn't take my password, used firefox3.0, then came back with IE7. Pain. OK I've had the product for over six months and this has never happened before. I'm not sure why. I select updates, update file opens, nothing downloads, then says it's updated? However Database version changes, date changes, fingerprints changes. I have aways seen the updates happening and it takes longer than this. WHAT"S UP? To me it's happening too fast, plus i see nothing. I need to be updated.

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What I don't like is thee is zero mgs downloaded, and with bugs that can happen there has to be a maybe that this is a bug. Has anyone had downloads that you don't see and then you have a post saying download done? I'm just saying i've never seen a server that is that fast. I want to be sure that I am up to date. And i don't feel that way. It has been three weeks and the same thing. The only thing that makes me say maybe is the database change, fingerprint change and date. Any one had this happen?

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What I don't like is thee is zero mgs downloaded, and with bugs that can happen there has to be a maybe that this is a bug. Has anyone had downloads that you don't see and then you have a post saying download done? I'm just saying i've never seen a server that is that fast. I want to be sure that I am up to date. And i don't feel that way. It has been three weeks and the same thing. The only thing that makes me say maybe is the database change, fingerprint change and date. Any one had this happen?

Yes. It's been happening for awhile now. We've upgraded the servers a bit. So the updates seem incredibly fast. If you are concerned however, you can opt to use the slower securitywonks mirror update. :blink:

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The only thing that makes me say maybe is the database change, fingerprint change and date.

So when you see there is indeed a change, why don't you think it isn't right? The database changes numbers the number of fingerprints change and the date. Those are the only things to change, so obviously you got the update. :blink:

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@Jean: I think you are ignoring the human element here :blink: It's about perception. We are used to seeing our software downloading stuff, usually quite slowly even. Now when you suddenly have an app that updates so fast you don't even know what hit you, it's no surprise some may have the passing thought that questions did anything really update at all? I know I did think about that.

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@Jean: I think you are ignoring the human element here :blink: It's about perception. We are used to seeing our software downloading stuff, usually quite slowly even. Now when you suddenly have an app that updates so fast you don't even know what hit you, it's no surprise some may have the passing thought that questions did anything really update at all? I know I did think about that.

That's the very reason I Posted this.


I just Downloaded a Program, 550 KB. Not even sure what it was, and it took at least 6 Seconds. Slow enough to see the Progress Bar. I still find it Hard to Believe, that I can Download a 1000 KB. File and Update the Program in the Blink of an eye. Even if you have "Faster" Servers. The onlything that Downloads that fast is a 10 KB. File.


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@Jean: I think you are ignoring the human element here :blink: It's about perception. We are used to seeing our software downloading stuff, usually quite slowly even. Now when you suddenly have an app that updates so fast you don't even know what hit you, it's no surprise some may have the passing thought that questions did anything really update at all? I know I did think about that.

Not really, I fail to see why there is any doubt when every single clue that there has been an update is present. If there is a problem then we would want to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Digging for a bit more when it just seems there is no reason for doubting.

That's the very reason I Posted this.


I just Downloaded a Program, 550 KB. Not even sure what it was, and it took at least 6 Seconds. Slow enough to see the Progress Bar. I still find it Hard to Believe, that I can Download a 1000 KB. File and Update the Program in the Blink of an eye. Even if you have "Faster" Servers. The onlything that Downloads that fast is a 10 KB. File.

Why are you downloading stuff you don't know what it is? Again, if the version numbers change and the fingerprints, the program has updated.

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Not really, I fail to see why there is any doubt when every single clue that there has been an update is present. If there is a problem then we would want to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Digging for a bit more when it just seems there is no reason for doubting.

Why are you downloading stuff you don't know what it is? Again, if the version numbers change and the fingerprints, the program has updated.

Forgive me. I just Cherry Picked a Random Program because of it's Size, - (550 KB.)

I just used this as a Speedtest to see how long the Progress would show before it Finished Downloading. I hope you didn't think I Installed it.

The Malwarebytes File is usually Double the Size. I've never seen a File Download, (Update) as fast as this, .. "Ever".

Sorry for the confusion.


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