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Trojan Generic 19, Redirector ?

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Don't know whats going on, must have downloaded a virus. Went through the steps you have listed but the redirector is still active.Here is the zip file that you asked to be compiled. The MBAM log was done on 11-7-10 and removed the infection, so we thought. ran it again (because still having problems) with no infections until the next scan (14-44-22). Please help, Thank you



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report.gifP2P - I see you have P2P software (uTorrent) installed on your machine. We are not here to pass judgment on file-sharing as a concept. However, we will warn you that engaging in this activity and having this kind of software installed on your machine will always make you more susceptible to malware infections. Please see this post for more information. I recommend that you uninstall these now. You can do so via Control Panel >> Add or Remove Programs. If you choose to keep these applications, please do not use them until our fixes at MBAM are complete.

icon11.gif Your Java is out of date. Older versions have vulnerabilities that malware can use to infect your system.

Java 6 Update 20 can be updated from the Java control panel Start > Control Panel (Classic View) > Java (looks like a coffee cup) > Update Tab > Update Now. An update should begin; follow the prompts. If it does not, let me know.

Once the install is complete...

Go into the Control Panel and double-click the Java Icon. (looks like a coffee cup)

  • On the General tab, under Temporary Internet Files, click the Settings button.
  • Next, click on the Delete Files button
  • There are two options in the window to clear the cache - Leave BOTH Checked
    • Applications and Applets
    • Trace and Log Files

    [*]Click OK on Delete Temporary Files Window

Note: This deletes ALL the Downloaded Applications and Applets from the CACHE.

  • Click OK to leave the Temporary Files Window
  • Click OK to leave the Java Control Panel.

icon11.gif You have this program installed, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM). Please update it and run a scan.


  • Click the Update tab
  • Click Check for Updates
  • If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
  • The program will close to update and reopen.
  • Once the program has loaded, select "Perform Quick Scan", then click Scan.
  • The scan may take some time to finish,so please be patient.
  • When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.
  • Make sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.
  • When disinfection is completed, a log will open in Notepad and you may be prompted to Restart.(See Extra Note)
  • The log is automatically saved by MBAM and can be viewed by clicking the Logs tab in MBAM.
  • Copy&Paste the entire report in your next reply.

Extra Note:

If MBAM encounters a file that is difficult to remove,you will be presented with 1 of 2 prompts,click OK to either and let MBAM proceed with the disinfection process,if asked to restart the computer,please do so immediately.

icon11.gif Using Internet Explorer or Firefox, visit Kaspersky Online Scanner

1. Click Accept, when prompted to download and install the program files and database of malware definitions.

2. To optimize scanning time and produce a more sensible report for review:

  • Close any open programs
  • Turn off the real time scanner of any existing antivirus program while performing the online scan. Click HERE to see how to disable the most common antivirus programs.

3. Click Run at the Security prompt.

The program will then begin downloading and installing and will also update the database.

Please be patient as this can take quite a long time to download.

  • Once the update is complete, click on Settings.
  • Make sure these boxes are checked (ticked). If they are not, please tick them and click on the Save button:

    • Spyware, adware, dialers, and other riskware
    • Archives
    • E-mail databases

    [*]Click on My Computer under the green Scan bar to the left to start the scan.

    [*]Once the scan is complete, it will display if your system has been infected. It does not provide an option to clean/disinfect. We only require a report from it.

    [*]Do NOT be alarmed by what you see in the report. Many of the finds have likely been quarantined.

    [*]Click View report... at the bottom.

    [*] Click the Save report... button.

    [*] Change the Files of type dropdown box to Text file (.txt) and name the file KasReport.txt to save the file to your desktop so that you may post it in your next reply

Please include the following in your next post:

  • MBAM log
  • Kaspersky log
  • How is your computer running now?

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