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Hi. I'm a new guy here, and I wouldn't be coming here unless I'm an expert who can help others (way too dumb for that), or I have virus problems and need desperate help (ding ding ding!). Anyways, I got some problems that start with "Security Tools", and I'll post them in a moment. For now though, I'll just introduce myself, and I'm currently awaiting a few scans to be completed.

I'm pretty sure some of you have already resolved the Security Tools problem and probably think you can help me, but I've been looking up many webpages and discussions that have been pointing me to different antivirus programs, including Malwarebytes, and I'm still having all sorts of problems. My Malwarebytes cannot open at all, not even after removing and reinstalling it. And I'm currently attempting a few other recommended programs.

And I think my problems are beyond the Security Tools virus now. I'm having registry errors and other performance problems beyond popups and fake warnings. But I'll get to my symptoms when I make my post.

Anyways, just like to say that I'm new here, and Malwarebytes has saved me from the AV Security Suite before, and I hope it can still help save me from Security Tools. I hope that some of you will have the patience to hear me out and try to help me.

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Hello heyyou: :D

Sorry to hear that your system is infected. Your best course of action will be not to attempt a repair at your own instead please read and follow the instructions in I'm infected - What do I do now? An Expert will assist you in removal process

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the Help Desk

Should you have any other question(s) please post back using MXyBj.png button

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Thanks for replying to me. I'm not sure if the problem with my PC is the virus anymore, but I still have quite a few problems since the virus attacked. I just explained my problems in more detail in my next post, and hope that I get a useful response from someone nice enough to read the whole long post to help me.

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