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McAfee quarantined MBAM trojan

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Thanks, I already removed it from quarantine and will have to figure out how to have McAfee ignore the file. Failing that, since McAfee is a freebee from my IP, I can change to another AV and firewall.


I would suggest removing Mcafee. As this FP has been reported to them for days now, and they don't seem to care. Any Antivirus company which chooses to be this irresponsible certainly doesn't get my vote.

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Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late post on the subject, but I've only come across this tonight.

A couple of questions if I may.

I've restored MBAM-dor.exe from McAfee's quarantine, should everything be okay now with MBAM, or would It be advised to reinstall it?

Also slightly odd, McAfee's quarantine report for MBAM-dor.exe, Process: SuperAntiSpyware?? Any thoughts appreciated.


Thanks. :blink:

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