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Want a good laugh??

Guest garybear

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Guest garybear

Hi! You all want a good laugh. Read on. I was advised to create a topic in Malware Removal-Hijack This Logs, because I'm getting blocked IP addresses from China. So far so good. I follow the instructions. I do a quick scan with MBAM. No defects found. I do a full scan with AVira. No defects found. Now what? I'm confused. What do I do next? Decide to open topic in Malware Removal and attach my MBAM log with no defects because I'm wondering what logs do they want me to send after MBAM with no infections. Now I'm instructed to track this by email. No problem. I subscribe. OOps I subscribe to the whole damn forum. I'm flooded by email from everyone that is posting on that forum and my email gets flooded. I have a good laugh and correct that(I hope). Now I'm waiting to see if anyone from Malware Removal answers my topic. A typical day in a senile old man's day I hope you had a good laugh on me.

Garybear :) :) :) :)

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Well there will be further instructions once an expert replies to your post :) Please be patient and don't reply to your own topic until someone has responded with help, as it can make it appear that you are getting help when you are not.

As for subscribing to everything, you can go to My Controls, then on the left, under Subscriptions, click on "view topics" or "view forums" and you can check off and unsubscribe to things you don't want to be subscribed to. :)

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Guest garybear

Hi friend! Thank you for your reply. I'm patiently waiting and I have not responded any more ,as you have suggested. Thank you for your information about unsubscribing . I think I have done that and I'm waiting to see if I have that corrected. Did you have a big laugh on me?? Thanks mountaintree.


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Guest garybear

I think I have this straighten out. This is hard work for this old man. I didn't grow up with these darn computers like you young people. I do try hard though.post-43884-1285894202_thumb.jpg

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