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Ok to have teatimer running with MAM active?

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I was so impressed today with the performance of this program both in it's speed and ability to quickly remove some real baddies - and in all the support you provide here in the forums I decided to pay for it to help support your efforts and get the realtime protection, scheduled scans and automatic updates. My question is - are there any issues with having spybot's teatimer running along with malwarebytes anti-malware in active mode? I've noticed in a few posts that teatimer can interfere with malware removal if you have it but I'm not sure if it's ok otherwise. I use XP, have 2GB ram and use zonealarm for antivirus.

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I remember someone having a serious issue with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware's protection module and the latest version of TeaTimer, but I don't remember what it was.

My suggestion is to turn off TeaTimer, and just let Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware protect you. Technically, TeaTimer only protects you if you make the right selections, so it's not effective if you don't know something is a threat. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is effective against anything we know about, and since Bruce is always hard at work expanding our malware database, the level of protection grows every day. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, a good antivirus, and a good firewall are more than enough to keep you protected. You never need more than one real-time anti-spyware running at once.

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ZoneAlarm AV is not the best by a long shot. Avira, NOD32 by ESET or Kaspersky's are far better.

I am using the security suite. I like the spam filter and firewall features best. How does NOD32 or Kaspersky do as far as filtering your spam out of your email? Do they put the junk mail in a different folder automatically like zonealarm does? I've been looking at NOD32, I think I like it but the price tag of $59.99 for the suite for one computer is kind of a lot. But I might get it when my zonealarm subscription expires.

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