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Hey, im new to this forum. My problem is that i ran into the Security Suite virus and it's been giving me a hard time. I downloaded Rkill and an Anti-Malware program from another pc and installed them onto the infected one. I have also downloaded CCleaner to clean out all the folders but I cannot get online using internet explorer when i run rkill on the infected pc. I went to internet options and changed the Lan options by un-checking the box using the proxy (if i kno what im talking about lol). Please if anyone has any information on how to remove the Security Suite virus or at least getting me back online to install the CCleaner it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hello Deebo53: :blink:

Sorry to hear that your system is infected. You do not need Internet connection to install CCleaner, you just need to download on a clean computer then transfer to infected one via CD/USB

However, I'd suggest please read and follow the instructions in I'm infected - What do I do now? An Expert will assist you in removal process. Should you have any other question(s) please post back

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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I ran the mbam software in safe mode and there werent any virus's found. So i went to Run/regedit and i found about 5 files on the C:/ that are not giving me the option of deleting them.






Do you have any idea on how i can remove these? Im pretty sure these are the problem.

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OK, this part of the forum is not for working on malware problems.

Start a new thread in the malware forum and we'll be glad to help you there:


Just state your problem and what you have done so far and we'll get it fixed for you,


Edit: You can try these if you lost your internet connection:

For XP systems download and run WinSockFix

Vista users: Check HERE also see below.

Vista and Windows 7 systems: Download and run this Winsockfix.bat


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